


New features, fixes and improvements to Specific.

New features, fixes and improvements to Specific.

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Loom integration with Specific

Loom integration

Just paste a Loom video link and it'll embed automatically. Loom videos can be an effective tool for improving asynchronous communication in your workflows.

Cmd K keyboard shortcut

Cmd K

Now, by hitting "Cmd K", you can quickly search for anything. And if you want to open a page in a new tab, just select it and hit "Cmd Return". We're also planning on adding more commands to this feature soon, so stay tuned!

New workspaces are prepopulated with dummy data

When you create a new workspace, it'll come pre-populated with example content to give you an idea of how the product can be used. It's a great way to improve your onboarding experience and get you up to speed faster!

This is one of the initial steps we're taking to enhance your onboarding experience and make it more user-friendly.