


New features, fixes and improvements to Specific.

New features, fixes and improvements to Specific.

Smarter Matching Insights to Topics

We've enhanced the way insights from text are matched to topics. The algorithm now considers tags when pairing insights with topics.

Description for AI

Additionally, we've added optional "Description for AI." It's a block of text where you can provide the AI with additional context. For instance, if you have a topic named "Performance," you can further specify whether it pertains to "employee performance" or "application speed."

Sources UI

We've introduced a new interface that consolidates all your sources, along with their associated processes, in one place.

This interface allows you to easily monitor the current processes that are running.

As part of this update, we've also made some changes to the interface, such as renaming "API funnels" to "Repositories."

Import & Export of Topics, Tags, and Descriptions

Now, you can import and export entire taxonomies of topics, tags, and descriptions from a study.

This enables you to copy topics from one study to another.

So if you are experimenting with prompts for categorization, you can easily duplicate studies to try new prompts.

Moreover, if you generate a substantial number of topics and tags (in Google Sheets or Excel), this helps you to import them in a snap!